Correct Parts Guaranteed

Thousands of hours of meticulous cataloging and research. Identification of over one million accurate part number cross references, OEM and manufacturer interchanges, and supersessions.  This is our “Commitment to Fitment.”  Our cataloging team has done all the hard work for you, so you can buy a turbo with 100% confidence, knowing you will receive the part you need. We know how important it is to get the right turbo, the first time. Your equipment is down, and down-time costs money. Your truck is in the shop, and you need it back on the road. You have your customer’s vehicle on a lift, and you need to get it delivered fast. We get it, we’ve been there too.

Turbochargers Direct strives to provide industry-beating tools, giving our customers direct access to the information they need. We have the right turbo for every engine. Whether you are looking for a replacement turbocharger for your car, tractor, generator, or industrial wood-chipper, we can help. If you can provide us information about your application, such as your VIN, Engine Manufacturer & Serial Number, Part Numbers from the ID tag on your turbocharger, we can guarantee you get the correct part. Our turbocharger experts are standing by to help you identify the correct part for your application. Contact us now – email us, chat with us online, or call us toll free.